Boat Shuttles


<from left to right>

S size, M size, Med-light weight, XL size

Use these shuttles with appropriately-sized bobbins.

<Length x Width x Depth>
S size =24cm x 3.5cm x 2cm
M size & Med-light = 34cm x 4cm x 3cm
XL size = 41.5cm x 5cm x 3.6cm

The weight of the Medium light weight shuttle is about 95g, which is about 70% of the weight of the regular M size shuttle.

The weight of the XL size shuttle is about 140g, which is almost the same as the weight of the regular M size shuttle, while you can put about 2.5 times more weft threads into the XL size shuttle,  using the appropriately-sized bobbins.

SKU: N/A Category:
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Small, Medium, Mid-light, Extra-Large