Black Warps – 250 and 300 threads – 60 series only


By using a ready-made warp, you can skip the warping process, thus making threading easier and less time-consuming.

The black warp gives you the freedom to concentrate on your weft yarns. See how it makes the colours ‘pop’!



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Material: Cotton and Wool.

Please note, the wool warps are being discontinued. I will replace stock as and when I can until stock from Japan runs out.

These warps are available in 250 and 300 threads and are only suitable for the 60 series looms.

They are available in  6m, 12m , 20m , 30m lengths.


Additional information


Cotton, Wool


50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300


6m, 12m, 20m, 30m